Hearthstone Version 5 30-06-19

The first thing you must accept, is that in the beginning there was Hearthstone. It is the First of Worlds and it is both the path and the destination that binds all others together. I will try to explain.


I do not speak of the place of which you take measure by your five senses – the place that is fixed in what you can sample by smell and by taste, by touch and by sight and by hearing. If you believe that all that can be perceived is discerned by these means alone, then your senses have deceived you and the reality in which you live is like seeing only in black and white.

Let me put another way. As the clarity of the image rendered depends upon the surface upon which it is reflected, so your physical world is an imperfect echo of what is Hearthstone. You still don’t understand? That’s Ok, neither did I at first. Let me give you some more information.


It is in this physical reality that you dwell that the Five Laws are said to be immutable. This lie is perpetuated by those who have much to lose should the truth of the matter be exposed to the general population. However, it is also my belief that such knowledge –  if untempered by sound guidance, personal accountability and empathy for our fellow man – could also have a detrimental effect on humanity as a whole. As such I have sought not to enlighten all – but some – those who for whatever reason, through which ever path or means, are already aware of that which is Hearthstone, even if they do not know to call it by its name. If you are reading this, then you are most likely one such whom I seek. You probably have questions. I will try to answer them as best I can as I meander through what to speak on openly, and what to omit for your safety at this time.


Hearthstone is like unto the fire that roars bright and hot within the hearth of the home of your heart, giving of its comfort to all who seek shelter in its embrace. Others continue to disagree with me on this matter, but it is my resolute belief that Hearthstone is akin to a benevolent entity that we falter in our ability to comprehend. I say this because I have been both broken and redeemed by its fire. I have been lost and also found within its depths,  and I choose to believe that I am not an irrelevant spectator, but an active participant in the master plan that Hearthstone weaves for the benefit of us all. 


It is a world that only few can glimpse, and that imperfectly without help. Perhaps that glimpse comes in a wondrous dream aloft the wings of psychedelic inspiration. Perhaps it is in the place that you call déjà vu, where for a short moment you have crossed over into a place that looks the same but is not. An anomalous glitch, if you will. 

Less often, blessedly, it comes in a nightmare of twisted shadows and terrible, gnawing, fearfulness that wakes you with a sleep silenced scream, and a tremor in your heart and hands that only turning on the light can dispel. 

That was a beginning of signs. But I shall not speak of that matter so soon. That would be best kept for a face to face conversation if you can glean enough from these words to find the place that I am. A small test, if you will. If you can find me, I will reveal to you all…

But back to the point.

To know this other world of which I speak requires other senses. These senses can be taught and learned. Some are naturally gifted, some must work to master it. But it can be done. The rules of Hearthstone do not function in relation to, nor limitation of, the empirical reality that is the physical realm of the Five Laws. To we who understand this, it is called merely Five. It is a number to us and nothing more. However, to say such does not mean that we do not value those who dwell in it. All that we do, we do for you. I hope that you understand that when all is done. When you discover what we have done.

To know Hearthstone, you must first believe in it. A curious paradox, I know. The ability to suspend your understanding of reality and impose your will upon a force you cannot discern with you physical senses is challenging. But as aforementioned, not impossible. To those who believe.

It has had as many names in as many religions and cultures and mythos as there have been voyeurs and purveyors of its gifts. But to know the true name of a thing is to exert power over it. Be warned in this matter. Its other name has been the World Within the World – the Omega – and it can be a dangerous place to linger indeed if you know only this facet. Believe me, I know this well. I walked with Omega and I was undone.

It has been said that hard is the road and narrow is the way that leads to Hearthstone. But it is my belief that there are many roads to this place that chooses many to know its ways. One thing I will agree on is that none make the journey unscathed and few enter in undamaged enough to do more than dream it and awake still not knowing the whole truth. It is my sincere desire that with my words I can reveal that truth to those who are ready to receive it. And if necessary, join our fight to uphold it. Many are called, but few are chosen.

A final warning.

The World Within the World is the fastest and easiest path to Hearthstone. It is the oil, the water, the spirit that lubricates the transition. But when you step into the World Within, the World Within steps into you, and Omega will be your last and only perhaps a first. There is no unknowing what has been done. No going back to what you were before you knew the truth. You take the risk of losing yourself to confusion and darkness and this risk never abates. I have lost many comrades to the darkness even as I myself have fought to remain beyond its reach. 

I think I may speak too much in riddles for you but you must understand that I can only guide. I cannot take you by the hand and bring you into this place. Not as I was so introduced. To do so is akin to the greatest abuse we name. You must come willingly. Or not at all. I shall do to no other what was done to me. But that is another story for another time.

You have been suitably warned of the consequences. Even as you are welcomed.



  • Excerpt from the volume The Ascension to Glory


Blessed is she who walks with no name. Let us ever abide in her glory.


Give to me your heart and soul

That I may devour – swallow whole

I shall not savour on my tongue

Nor chew your meat for I have none…


One heart – one soul – one flesh – one spirit

I will offer up and kill it

On the altar of regret

My gift to you – sweet love – forget…

I shall lay hold of heart and soul

And mould upon it solid gold

Collecting tears like rains of fears

But no more storms for you my dear

For though I swallow hearts down whole

Even though I devour souls

You are precious in my sight

And for you only – I banish your night

That no more can it cloud your sight

That no more empty and beatless inside

For I shall give you one heart that breathes

I take your hand – get up off your knees

You have given me heart and soul

Thinking I would devour you whole

And that so swallowed you could know peace

But I make proclamation that you are released!

For I have forged you heart of gold

A heart that cannot be bought – nor sold

This heart that beats the will to live

But one last gift I have to give

For now I take your soul and breathe

A soul set free to dream and believe

And to you now I shall bequeath

All the things for which your heart keens

So I declare you’re not dead yet

For I give you a living breath

And heart that now beats strong and true

A soul reborn – transformed – made new

So step into the light tonight

And ignite inflamed to stand and fight

Come take the hand that helps and heals

And sets you free from hurt and tears

Stand forth together… all as one…

The trumpet sounds… the time has come.



Image by <a href=”https://pixabay.com/users/PublicDomainPictures-14/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=163709″>PublicDomainPictures</a&gt; from <a href=”https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=163709″>Pixabay</a&gt;

The Bells of Witching Hour

I hear the bells of witching hour and know it calls my name – 

Its sound a stain upon my soul – a blight – a curse – a shame,

For once I did make covenant, and sealed it in my blood…

But when I sold I could not know what thing I would become –

I fear that I must do as bid – for I know it has won…

No longer shall I see the light – rejected by this sun.


And so I take this blade to me and hone it through my bones,

I know not yet where it shall rest as I hear those bell’s tones…

For should I fail to take the heart of that which I must bleed – 

To show to such one mercy – my blade then will carve of me…

There is no room for doubt nor fear – I must set this blood free –

Oh dark my master over me – to you i bend the knee.


No longer do I wonder whom the poor soul is I seek.

I cannot bear to know the name my lips can not repeat. 

I know that it is my own hand that makes the rivers flow… 

I bear responsibility – though bound I am – I know – 

For I am something dead inside for all the outward show,

My soul is chained to this dark art and will not let me go.


So open up yourself to me, sweet lover in my arms,

I know that you are in my spell, bound fast upon my charms,

I need to slake a thirst so deep I do not have the words – 

There is only ringing bells – I cannot fight the urge… 

But I do weep as I drink deeply, and our two hearts merge, 

One blood, one heartbeat in our breasts, until my need is purged… 


Yet do not fear, my love so sweet – my drink – my cup – my flame, 

For there are blacker things to know than love without a name… 

And I shall lay thee down upon these sheets so crimson smooth,

I swear that what was done to me shall not be so for you.

When tolls the witching hour, I’ll become undone anew –

But you shall live, for I will give of mine to pay the due.

